Dalhart Federal Savings & Loan Association, with $140mm in assets, has retained Kreps – Colgan & Associates Executive Search as the executive search partner to find its future President/CEO. With a long legacy of 90 years touching thousands of families, friends, communities served and trade groups, Dalhart Federal has consistently promoted a Neighbors-Helping-Neighbors way of life and has built a solid reputation of integrity. It is a recognized leader locally, providing full financial services to its customers. Dalhart Federal is known as the go-to for mortgage lending needs.
The ideal candidate will bring a visionary strategic mindset, be relationship-driven and have a community-involvement priority. This person will be able to move the organization forward while maintaining strong employee engagement and promoting a customer-centric environment. The selected candidate will be responsible for providing leadership, planning and oversight of Dalhart Federal’s activities in accordance with the Savings & Loan Association policies as established by the board of directors.
The new CEO will be a strategic thinker, must possess a proven track record of success, high level of integrity and trust, and excellent communication and interpersonal skills. This charismatic leader should also be able to work collectively with the board and management to continue the mission and values of the organization to ensure its financial health and high standards.
The new CEO must have a minimum of 10+ years of progressive financial institution experience at the senior level, fiscal management expertise with the ability to interpret a balance sheet and be proactive in identifying opportunities that will increase revenue and reduce expenses. If this sounds like you and you are looking for small-town charm and a community rich in culture, submit your confidential résumé to kim@kcexecs.com. Candidates meeting the position requirements will be contacted.